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拥有爱因斯坦、笛卡尔和苏格拉底等跨学科、改变世界的老师,澳门金沙网赌登陆的 students have a competitive advantage in any field. 访问我们的新澳门金沙网上赌场
丽迪雅Polgreen, Opinion Columnist, 纽约时报
After spending nearly 15 years at the 纽约时报, 她在那里担任国际副主编和西非分社社长, South Asia 和 Johannesburg, 丽迪雅Polgreen was named editor-in-chief of HuffPost in 2016; in early 2020, she became managing director of Spotify’s podcast studio Gimlet. In 2022, Lydia returned to the 纽约时报 作为观点专栏作家. 她获得了2006年乔治·波尔克外国报道奖和2008年利文斯顿国际报道奖.
Josh Rogers, CEO, Arete Wealth Management
约书亚·罗杰斯是Arete Wealth的创始人兼首席执行官, 阿雷特家族公司中的金融投资实体. 他是一名当选的董事会成员,负责监督大学的财务, 投资, 和 Audit committees 和 teaches Entrepreneurship on both St. 约翰的 安纳波利斯 和 Sante Fe campuses.
Shannon Hateley, Senior Staff Scientist, Ancestry.com
香农·哈特利是计算生物学家,也是Ancestry公司的资深科学家.com. 她在加州大学获得分子和细胞生物学博士学位,主修基因组学和计算生物学, 加州大学伯克利分校.
Anika Prather, Founder, The Living Water School
Anika Prather是活水学校的创始人和创造者. Inspired by the Sudbury democratic model, 活水是基于学生应该对自己的学习负责和指导自己的想法. 她在马里兰大学获得英语和读写教育博士学位.
Mark Stephen Meadows, CEO, Botanic 科技nologies
Mark Stephen Meadows is founder 和 CEO of Botanic 科技nologies, 这家公司为Skype和罗技(Logitech)等财富100强客户设计个性化聊天机器人和3D化身, as well as for government agencies.
Sean Di Ianni, COO/Co-Founder, Meow Wolf
Sean Di Ianni是圣达菲世界知名互动艺术空间喵狼的首席运营官. 在那里,他负责监督组织结构、系统和物流. 最近,喵狼宣布将其扩展到丹佛、拉斯维加斯和华盛顿特区. 喵狼被命名为 时间的 Top 50 Things to Do in the World Right 现在, coming in at #4.
Ben Sasse, President of the University of Florida
在成为佛罗里达大学校长之前,本·萨斯(Ben Sasse)曾担任美国法律顾问.S. 内布拉斯加州参议员, serving on the following Senate committees: Judiciary; Armed 服务; Joint Economics; 和 Banking, 住房, 及城市事务. 本·萨斯在耶鲁大学获得美国历史博士学位,37岁时成为弗里蒙特米德兰大学校长, 内布拉斯加州.
奥马尔Manejwala, Chief Medical Officer, Dario健康
奥马尔Manejwala, MD (A93)是成瘾和心理健康领域的国际专家和演讲者. 他是 Craving: Why We Can’t Seem to Get Enough 和 currently serves as the chief medical officer of Dario健康. He is a recipient of the 2018 Award of Merit from the St. 约翰的大学 校友 Association.
Michelle Urban, CEO/Founder, Pressure Analysis Company
压力分析公司设计和制造无线冲击传感器,可以准确地检测和跟踪直接冲击. 他们的SmackCAP athletics™是运动员在接触运动中跟踪每一个命中的便帽, 每一次. 入选SXSW 2016科技创业之夜的15家公司之一, it was a finalist for 科技Co’s StartUp of the Year.
罗伯特一个. George, Editorial Board, Bloomberg Opinion
罗伯特一个. George is a member of the Bloomberg Opinion editorial board. He has previously been published in the New York Daily 新闻, 纽约邮报, 赫芬顿邮报, 和国家评论, 等.
辛西娅凯珀尔 Hellman, Nuclear Physicist
A Hampton University professor of nuclear, quantum 和 medical physics, 吉宝是托马斯·杰斐逊国家加速器设施的小组负责人. 吉宝拥有众多专业荣誉,包括美国国家科学基金会职业奖和美国物理学会2019年物理学应用杰出讲师奖, 她是哪里的一个家伙.
Salvatore Scibona, National Book Award Finalist
塞尔瓦托·西博纳是一名小说家和短篇小说作家,曾因其2008年的小说获得美国国家图书奖提名 结束. 他的新书, 志愿者, came out in 2019, 和 his fiction frequently appears in The 《澳门金沙网赌登陆》—where he also published an excellent article about St. 约翰的 called “Where I Learned to Read.”
Shawn Watts, Associate Director, Columbia 法律 School
肖恩·沃茨是哥伦比亚大学法学院埃德森·奎罗斯基金会调解项目的副主任. A Citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, he developed 和 teaches a course on Native American Peacemaking, a traditional form of dispute resolution, 和 he has mediated in the New York City Civil Court, 哈莱姆小额钱债法庭, 和 the Institute for Mediation 和 Conflict Resolution.
Cecelia Watson, Writer, Scholar-in-Residence, Bard College
Cecelia Watson’s new book, Semicolon: The Past, Present, 和 Future of a Misunderstood Mark,获得了 《澳门金沙网赌登陆》, 纽约时报, 波士顿环球报等等. Watson is currently a Scholar-in-Residence at Bard College, 曾在柏林的马克斯·普朗克科学史研究所和世界文化之家工作, 德国, 和 holds a PhD from the University of Chicago.
jamal Sebastian-Barnes,诺华全球人才招聘主管
2016 - 2019年, Jamaal Sebastian-Barnes worked for Google, 他在哪里帮助领导了全球范围内辨别人工智能伦理的努力. 现在, he’s the Global Head of Digital Talent Acquisition for Novartis, 一家专注于重新思考和改造医学的国际医疗保健公司.
Devendra Contractor, Architect & DNCA创始负责人
Devendra Contractor’s award-winning architecture firm, DNCA, 被选为新墨西哥艺术博物馆新弗拉德姆当代艺术博物馆的设计师, 这是圣达菲当代艺术和艺术教育的附属建筑. 承包商的设计在圣达菲的铁路艺术区以及阿尔伯克基和圣达菲一些最著名的当代住宅的画廊中活跃起来.
丽迪雅Polgreen, Opinion Columnist, 纽约时报
Josh Rogers, CEO, Arete Wealth Management
Shannon Hateley, Senior Staff Scientist, Ancestry.com
Anika Prather, Founder, The Living Water School
Mark Stephen Meadows, CEO, Botanic 科技nologies
Sean Di Ianni, COO/Co-Founder, Meow Wolf
Ben Sasse, President of the University of Florida
奥马尔Manejwala, Chief Medical Officer, Dario健康
Michelle Urban, CEO/Founder, Pressure Analysis Company
罗伯特一个. George, Editorial Board, Bloomberg Opinion
辛西娅凯珀尔 Hellman, Nuclear Physicist
Salvatore Scibona, National Book Award Finalist
Shawn Watts, Associate Director, Columbia 法律 School
Cecelia Watson, Writer, Scholar-in-Residence, Bard College
jamal Sebastian-Barnes,诺华全球人才招聘主管
Devendra Contractor, Architect & DNCA创始负责人
St. 约翰在媒体工作
The Johnnie Chair is a student blog about life at St. 约翰的大学.
The Chalkboard is a blog where you can learn about St. 约翰的 from admissions officers.